Friday, September 25, 2009


They were both described as working. The mother is sewing whereas the father is working on cars, or with tools. It talks about how the tools are organized, the mom is more organized whereas the dads are everywhere.

The two paragraphs show the relationships between the writer and the mom and dad.

1. They have the same structure they wake up in the morning eat and then go and eat something.
2. Saturday is better, and happier. Sunday is more repulsive, feeling sick, and upset.

My two best friends are the most amazing people I have ever met in my life, Jamie and Nicole. Jamie is a very outgoing person, and always speaks her mind. We met back when we were both about 8 and have always had our differences and have always made up. She lives about 30 minutes away from me in Morgan Hill, and I barely ever get to see her so I always miss her optimistic personality always taking things with a grain of salt and always have my back whenever I need.
Nicole and I only got close about 2 years ago although our friendship is not as old it is just as strong. She has such a bubbly personality. Though sometimes she may get down about something she always tries to stay positive. Again we have had our differences but that doesn't matter to us because she is such a forgiving person who always has the best advice. Due to her outgoing personality she has brought me out of my shell. Without both of these ladies I would not be the person I am today.

1 comment:

  1. I like how it was that you met one when you were 8, and they other one 2 years ago. It was a really good comparison of your relationship with them.
