Thursday, September 24, 2009

Metropolis and Modern Times, it's all about the Genre

Modern Times and Metropolis are great examples of the early forms of film, with great ideas in the creating, and editing the films were both revolutionary to the industry. The films do share similarities in the over exagerated acting and the use of music in the background of these silent films, however there is nothing shared with the genres. While the characteristics of the genres do have some ideas that are similar such as the idea that everything is kind of out of place, or not really in everyday life, or an over exageration of what everyday life is. Other than that there remains no other similarities. The science fiction genre can be set in numerous places and even times, it can be set in space. Also in Metropolis the idea of the robot people is another aspect of the science fiction genre. Modern Times is a comedy, meant to make people laugh. The characteristics of a comedy are over exageration and the idea that things happen to the main character that may make them suffer but make the audience laugh. The use of the performance scene in the movie shows us that because he looses his sleeves and forgets the words the audience finds humor in the Tramp's worries and problems. Both of these genres are two greatly different genres.

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